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Please refer to the following information concerning burning and burn permits for all burning within Caddo Fire District #3.


Before burning you must call (318) 938-1888 and choose Option 1 to obtain burn permit.


A burn permit is only good on the day it is issued. If you will be burning more than one day, you must call each day you burn.



Burn Bans and / or No Burn Orders can issued at any time when conditions warrant by either the Fire Chief, the Caddo Parish Council of Fire Chiefs or the Louisiana Office of the State Fire Marshal.  


Before beginning any burning activity please read and understand the Caddo Parish Burn Ordinance posted below. 



 Ordinance No. 3293 of 1996

    Sec. 15-12 Burning Control

    No person shall burn any matter or materials upon public or private property outside the confines of a building or structure in the unincorporated areas of the Parish of Caddo unless:

        (a) The burning is confined to an enclosure with a lid designed for the purpose of containing and preventing the spread of fire: or

        (b) If the burning is not confined in accordance with subsection (a), the fire chief, or his designated representative, of the special fire protection district in which the burning is to occur shall be notified of the nature and approximate time of the intended burn prior to its ignition. The fire chief, or his designated representative, shall either approve or disapprove the request for the intended burn based upon the prevailing fire danger conditions. Further,

            (1) The time and size of the intended burn shall be of such a nature that all flames will be extinguished;

            (2) All matter or materials intended to be burned shall have originated on the property of the intended controlled burn; and

            (3) All reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the fire from getting out of control of the person setting it or spreading beyond its intended perimeters, and a responsible adult shall be in attendance at all times while the fire is burning.

The fire chief of each special fire protection district shall implement procedures to track and record the approval or disapproval of burn requests.

The fire chief of each special fire protection district is hereby authorized to declare a burning ban within the special fire protection district. No person shall burn any matter or materials whatsoever upon public or private property outside the confines of a building or structure in the unincorporated areas of the Parish of Caddo during a burning ban.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to prescribed burns by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, or by persons trained and certified by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, or by persons who conduct prescribed burning as a "generally accepted agricultural practice" as defined by LSA-R.S. 3:3602 (9).



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Emergency Dial: 911

Non-Emergency: 318-938-1888 


© Caddo Parish Fire District Number Three 9081 US Highway 80 Greenwood, LA 71033

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